
The graph titles and report texts can contain some placeholders that is replaced with actual information when the title or text is displayed. Available placeholders are as follows;

  • %c: is replaced with the number of channels of the acceleration data.
  • %C: is replaced with the station code
  • %d: is replaced with the sampling time interval of the acceleration data.
  • %D: is replaced with the depth of the event with a unit [km].
  • %e: is replaced with the damping ratio of energy spectrum in percent.
  • %E: is replaced with the event description in a form “[Origin Time] at [Epicenter] (h=[Depth]km, M[Magnitude])”.
  • %f: is replaced with the sampling frequency with a unit [Hz].
  • %h: is replaced with the damping ratio of response spectra in percent.
  • %i: is replaced with the JMA seismic intensity. If a sensor report is selected as the current graph, the intensity of the target sensor of the report is used. If a channel report is selected, the intensity of the sensor having the target channel of the report is used. Otherwise, the intensity of the first sensor is used.
  • %M: is replaced with the magnitude of the event.
  • %n: is replaced with the number of steps of the acceleration data.
  • %o: is replaced with the time range of particle orbit.
  • %O: is replaced with the origin time of the event.
  • %Q: is replaced with the epicenter of the event.
  • %r: is replaced with the start time of record.
  • %R: is replaced with the new line. So the following text goes to the next line.
  • %S: is replaced with the station name.
  • %t: is replaced with the time range used in Fourier analysis with a unit [s].
  • %w: is replaced with the width of Parzen window with a unit [Hz].